Επιδημιολογικές μελέτες

4. A.Papachatzopoulou, A.Kourakli, E.F.Stavrou, E.Fragou, A.Vantarakis, G.P.Patrinos, A.Athanassiadou “Region-specific genetic heterogeneity of HBB mutation distribution in South-Western Greece” 2010, Haemoglobin 34 (4), pp. 333-342

3. Vantarakis A, Nearxou A, Pagonidis D, Melegos F, Seretidis J, Kokkinos P, Zarkadis I, Parasidis T, Alamanos Y. An outbreak of hepatitis A in Roma populations living in three prefectures in Greece. Epidemiol Infect. 2010:138(7):1025-1031.

2. T.Parasidis, E. Vorou, Mellou, G. Theodoropoulou-Rodiou, G. Katsantridou, G. Stamatopoulou, A.Vantarakis “Outbreak of Gastroenteritis Occurred in North-Eastern Greece Associated with Several Waterborne Strains of Noroviruses. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2008, 12: E104-E105

1.Parasidis T., Divari E., Fatouros N., and A.Vantarakis: «Outbreak of acute gastroenteritis in Greece during a school excursion, April 2007», 2007, Eurosurveillance 12(7):1 
